Travel with Fiona
"I feel human"
Is what I answer to people asking me how I feel concerning my identity.
Born and raised in France by a British mother and a Punjabi father, we lived in a few different cities so I don't feel attached to one 'home'.
Before graduating from my bachelors, I went on a 6 month exchange program in Taiwan and then decided to do my whole masters degree in Kaohsiung, where I ended up living for 3 years.
I then worked for a year in the Maldives and I am currently living in Madagascar.
This world gets so small once you start exploring it and yet there are an infinite number of places to be discovered.
I like working abroad, because you are not a simple tourist observing what is around you, you get a deeper understanding of the country, its culture and way of living.
Learning a new language also invites you to learn a whole new way of thinking, which deepens understanding and relations with locals.
So I am a blend of all the places I have lived in, I am French, I am mixed, I am a local in Taiwan and I have adopted and rejected different parts of each of these cultures.
I am human.

'Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow' - Anita Desai